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- Statistics of OSM Scout for Sailfish OS
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Statistics of OSM Scout for Sailfish OS
For those who don't know this project, you can get details on OpenRepos entry.
In December 16, it was exactly one year after I released OSM Scout version 0.13. This version added map downloader that allows to download offline maps directly from the phone, instead of running non-trivial import job on computer. Such functionality in application would be useless without any backend serving already processed databases from raw OpenStreetMap data. After one year of maintaining this server and preparing updates, it is time for small retrospection.
Count of users
Lets start with basic metrics, how many users really using it?
Well, it is hard to say how many users is actively using OSM Scout for Sailfish. I don't use any analytics service that is usual on Android ecosystem. Basic Harbour (Sailfish OS store) metrics display 2291 downloads (probably unique accounts) and 1795 active installs right now. But I don't know how this number is computed… Second distribution channel – OpenRepos, display 2952 downloads (most likely not unique users, login is not required). Better question may be: „How many users actively downloads maps?“ Every refresh of map list send request to my server with unique http cookie. I saw 2517 unique cookies so far, 172 in November 2017. Monthly count is stable more or less.
+------+-------+----------------+ | Year | Month | Unique Cookies | +------+-------+----------------+ | 2016 | 12 | 215 | | 2017 | 1 | 296 | | 2017 | 2 | 231 | | 2017 | 3 | 230 | | 2017 | 4 | 283 | | 2017 | 5 | 192 | | 2017 | 6 | 227 | | 2017 | 7 | 278 | | 2017 | 8 | 224 | | 2017 | 9 | 145 | | 2017 | 10 | 286 | | 2017 | 11 | 172 | | 2017 | 12 | 125 | +------+-------+----------------+
Who are they

By OpenRepos statistics, majority of (application) downloads comes from Germany, followed by France and Russia. It is not big surprise, Jolla comes from Finland and it is strong in Europe. When I take a look to locales used on device (used by server for localising map list), distribution confirm it. A lot of users are using English locales even when its native language is different probably. But where is India or Brazil, markets where Jolla wants to target?
+--------+---------+ | Locale | Ratio | +--------+---------+ | de_DE | 34,82 % | | en_GB | 20,84 % | | en_US | 10,26 % | | ru_RU | 8,05 % | | fi_FI | 6,67 % | | fr_FR | 4,62 % | | it_IT | 3,71 % | | pl_PL | 2,33 % | | sv_SE | 2,21 % | | es_ES | 1,74 % | | cs_CZ | 1,14 % | | other | 3,59 % | +--------+---------+
How many maps are downloaded
Aggregation of server logs shows that users successfully downloaded 2091 maps at all. It generated daily traffic 8 GiB in average. Maximum was 42 GiB for one day. Monthly average is 230 GiB.

I filter itself from these statistics, because I am updating used maps on all of my devices after new import on the server, so number of my downloads are significant. Table of top downloaded countries/regions „wins“ Germany again (dach is map of Germany, Austria, Switzerland). No surprise.
+-----------+------------------------+---------+ | Downloads | Map | Ratio | +-----------+------------------------+---------+ | 317 | europe/germany | 15,16 % | | 160 | europe/finland | 7,65 % | | 108 | europe/austria | 5,16 % | | 103 | europe/dach | 4,93 % | | 83 | russia | 3,97 % | | 81 | europe/switzerland | 3,87 % | | 81 | europe/italy | 3,87 % | | 80 | europe/france | 3,83 % | | 77 | europe/czech-republic | 3,68 % | | 57 | europe/netherlands | 2,73 % | | 56 | europe/belgium | 2,68 % | | 54 | europe/great-britain | 2,58 % | | 52 | europe/sweden | 2,49 % | | 44 | europe/poland | 2,10 % | | 42 | europe/spain | 2,01 % | | 36 | europe/denmark | 1,72 % | | 30 | europe/alps | 1,43 % | | 29 | europe/estonia | 1,39 % | | 22 | europe/norway | 1,05 % | | 21 | europe/luxembourg | 1,00 % | | 558 | other | 26,68 % | +-----------+------------------------+---------+
When I am looking to these numbers, it is clear that OSM Scout community on Sailfish is relative small. It is not comparable with MapsMe that has 850 thousands of downloads on Google Play. But I feel that my work makes still sense and map server is useful. Feedback from users is positive mainly. I hope that Jolla will be successful in India and Brazil and Sailfish position will be stronger in near future.